Discovering a Hidden Gem Outside Cullman
If you’re like me, the recent events in the world have made you long for the days when getting outside in a new destination seemed less daunting.
Proper Etiquette When Logging Miles
Getting outdoors and being active has been key to physical and mental health during the recent pandemic. More and more, people are getting outside on the roads and trails for the first time. It’s important to remember that there is proper etiquette for using and sharing the roads, sidewalks, pathways, and trails throughout our state. Here are a few ways to show courtesy to your fellow #100ALMILES participants.
Mixing Outdoor Adventures with a Little History
Never Far From The Water
This month we have a guest blogger, Dan Truitt, one of our awesome Ambassadors. Dan is a paddler in North Alabama and can be followed on Instagram: @southern.paddler
Four Great Rock Climbing Spots Around the State
In these uncertain times, getting outdoors and being active is crucial to mental and physical health.
Winter Running at Oak Mountain State Park
Grey skies and chilly temperatures often make it a challenge to lace up the shoes and get outside. Any number of excuses can roll through your head and keep you safely on your couch.
Three Great Apps For Logging and Enjoying Your 100 Alabama Miles Challenge
Technology is everywhere now, including almost every aspect of the 100 Alabama Miles Challenge.
Across the Year
It’s been an amazing year for the 100 Alabama Miles Challenge, and we thought we’d do a little recap for your enjoyment.
My 100 Alabama Miles
Check out the latest blog post from one of our awesome ambassadors, Robbie Gibbons!